Sport has always held an important place for Estonians. In the basketball community, you have the opportunity to contribute to the support and development of Estonian basketball. Let's give strength to basketball together!

Why basketball?

Alexela is the biggest energizer of Estonian basketball, both directly and indirectly. Alexela has been a partner of the Estonian Basketball Association since 2010 and supported Estonian basketball very widely, being involved in both men's and women's basketball, 3x3 basketball. Now we have created an opportunity also for you to contribute to the promotion of Estonian basketball and achievement of further success stories.

How can I contribute?


  1. Become a client of Alexela

  2. Join the Community programme 

    As a loyal customer of Alexela you can donate 1 cent of your loyalty discount for planting trees and Alexela will also add 1 cent on its behalf. For every gathered 0.25€, we will plant one tree to an Estonian forest.

  3. Visit Alexela

    As a community member, you contribute to Estonian basketball by using Alexela's products and services.

    By choosing the fuel loyalty discount for contributions, a corresponding contribution from every liter fueled will go towards the promotion of basketball. By selecting a zero contribution upon joining, you do not contribute from your discount, but you support Estonian basketball through the consumption of various Alexela products and services.

    Share this with your friends and invite them to join, so the collective contribution is greater.

Join or log in

Our community


members of the community

1 723.2 EUR

Amount collected

Experts recommend

Jukka Toijala

(Eesti meeste rahvuskoondise peatreener)
Korvpall on tarkade inimeste mäng, korvpall on emotsionaalne mäng, mulle meeldib olla osa sellest mängust. Korvpallis saavutab edu vaid meeskond ja seeläbi omab sõna korvpallikogukond isegi veel suuremat tähendust.

Kristian Kullamäe

(Eesti meeste rahvuskoondise mängujuht)
Eestis tuleb Eesti asja ajada ja kuna meid on nii vähe, siis ainult koos saab teha neid asju suurelt. Korvpallis oleme saanud ja loodevasti saame ka edaspidi suuri võite. See on kift tunne olla korvpallikogukonna liige.

Annika Köster

(Eesti naiste rahvuskoondise ääremängija)
Alexela on pikaaegne Eesti naiste kossu toetaja. On heameel liituda kogukonnakampaaniaga kus kaotajaid ei ole, kõik võidavad.