Bulk Gas
Bulk gas is environmentally sustainable energy source that does not contain heavy metals or lead that are dangerous to the surrounding nature and people. Compared to diesel fuel, bulk gas burns much cleaner, emitting 33% less carbon, which means much cleaner air to breathe!
Bulk gas is a powerful source of energy. For example, a calorific value of one tonne of bulk gas is 12.8 MWh, while the calorific value of wood pellets or briquettes reach only 4.7 MWh.
In addition, heating devices that operate on gas, are easy to use, they require less maintenance and you don't need to worry about running out of gas. All bulk gas devices installed by Alexela are equipped with a remote reading indicator, which notifies our Logistics Department, if the level of gas decreases under 20%. Then we will contact the customer and arrange next delivery.
Bulk gas full service
Alexela offers convenient full service, which includes instalment, renting and maintenance of gas device and gas supply. We bear full responsibility for the trouble-free use of the equipment, provided that the bulk gas is purchased from us.
Main fields of use:
Alexela high-quality bulk gas is used as a source material in a production process, which gives products additional value. For example, manufacturers of aerosol containers have abandoned the use of freon due to tighter environmental protection requirements and prefer propane and butane as propellant (aerosol-forming gas). Liquefied gas used in the manufacture of lighters can also be classified in this category, if it is a disposable product. Other fields of use, where it is reasonable to use bulk gas are, for example, for melting glass, powder coating, paint chambers, sand drying, metal cutting, in cooking ovens, industrial laundry drying, back-up generators, weed control, heating greenhouses, etc. In addition, bulk gas is a good backup solution in case of repair or closure of the natural gas pipeline. Even if the field of use that you are interested in was not mentioned above, contact us and we will find a suitable energy solution together.
Alexela bulk gas provides efficient and very clean combustion in the grain dryers, resulting in no residual burns. Bulk gas can also be used without a heat exchanger. Fast and efficient temperature control.
Bulk gas is a suitable heating solution for buildings with very different purposes - private houses, apartment buildings, hotels, schools, community houses, production buildings and warehouses, farms, central heating boilers, greenhouses, etc. One of the advantages is that in case of absence of water heating solution, radi-ant heat or gas heater can be used.
Even if the field of use that you are interested in was not mentioned above, contact us and we will find a suitable energy solution together.
Instead of diesel or oil heating
You can save up to 35% on heating expenses per year. It is an efficient heating source, which will help you to save on heating expenses up to 35% a year compared to oil (diesel, emulsion, fuel-like product and spe-cial purpose diesel). Switching to heating with bulk gas is easy – Alexela will install a tank and a pipeline and will arrange a burner replacement. All other equipment from the boiler to the radiator generally remain the same.
In case of absence of natural gas pipeline
Heating system of bulk gas is efficient, easy and reliable. Natural gas-based heating solutions are the most common in the world due to their reliability and ease of use. Bulk gas is a good alternative, if your home is far from a natural gas pipeline. Its heating solution is similar to natural gas and has a better heating value as a bonus. For comparison, heating value of one tonne of natural gas reaches 10,45 MWh and heating value of the same volume of bulk gas is 12,80 MWh.
In air heating systems
Bulk gas is a versatile and efficient choice for air heating. The main advantages of air heating system are affordable cost of installation and maintenance. Bulk gas is a great source of energy for air heating, keep-ing systems in good working condition due to clean combustion.
Radiant heating systems
Bulk gas is a good choice for using in radiant heating system. Using bulk gas for heating production, ware-house and rooms for general use is affordable, easy and infrared equipment does not cost much. An infrared beam moves from the device to the point where heat loss is minimal. Infrared radiation warms necessary places and surfaces instead of the surrounding air. Infrared rays do not scatter in the air and the room temperature remains low, but pleasant.
Infrared radiation can be compared to the sun – spring sun seems warm in windless weather, although the temperature in the shadow can be relatively low. Other warm and glowing surfaces also emit long-wave infrared radiation, which, together with the visible light, produces heat.
Even if the field of use that you are interested in was not mentioned above, contact us and we will find a suitable energy solution together.
In petrol and diesel engines
Car gas will save up to 45% of fuel on the kilometres driven! Even if the field of use that you are interested in was not mentioned above, contact us and we will find a suitable energy solution together.
Even if you were not interested in this area, contact us and we will find a suitable energy solution.
Ask for more information:

Tanel Kolberg
Sales Manager of Gas Solutions

Innar Lätti
Sales Manager for Cylinder Gas, including Gas Solutions